Update 1/7/2025: BuyVM has been acquired, and this throws Lain.la's future into doubt.

BuyVM is the provider of the edge nodes that I use to publish Lain.la, and Francisco, the owner, has sold the company. While I don't expect anything to change immediately, I would expect that what I am continuing to do today (e.g. pushing 500TB to 600TB of traffic a month) is in jeopardy. I must move off of BuyVM, and to prevent this from ever happening again, I must move to our own hardware for edge nodes. This can only mean colocation, and I will be doing this via Nulled LLC, a very tiny hosting provider ran by Jade, my partner. My deadline is November 2025, when my one year renewals expire with BuyVM.

If you want Pomf, Gitlab, Fedi, and all my other services to make it through these trying times, then I will need to shell out for multiple new rack servers and a new hosting contract. This is gonna be thousands and thousands of dollars to do and get right the first time. The benefit will be that this situation should not happen again, and Lain.la will have more control over the performance and security of systems at the edge. I can probably front this money myself as I always have, but you'll give me more options and a faster timeline if I can get that money sooner rather than letting it trickle in over time. Please donate below if you feel I've done something to deserve it and want to see more of what I'm capable of. Thank you.

Hello. I'm 7666. I single-handedly run this massive collection of services known as Lain.la. I started all this about four years ago (August 31st, 2020) as a productive outlet for myself, to make systems and services I'd be proud of that were also useful to me and my friends, while keeping privacy and security paramount. As time has gone on, I have purchased large amounts of hardware to install in my house townhouse, rented huge collections of virtual servers hosted in multiple clouds, spun up new domains and subdomains, engineered unique security solutions, and expanded my services list beyond my wildest dreams. I like to think I have a reputation now for fast and reliable hosting, whether it be for files, servers, services, etc. Lain.la is used by thousands of people daily across over a dozen countries, all free of charge with no ads or strings attached.

As it stands, Lain.la pushes over 500TB a month of bandwidth from approximately 60 different virtual machines, most on my home servers, some across the world.  I work diligently to maintain reliability, building capacity where I can. This capacity is not cheap, but I have fronted 100% of the cost for these past years, whether it be for giant server purchases, or recurring operational expenses. These costs have exceeded $30,000 in total at this point.

If you are interested in donating, I now have a Ko-Fi and a Liberapay. Ko-Fi can be used for one time donations, and Liberapay if you want to provide recurring payments. For more privacy, my crypto addresses are below:

ETH: 0x47Cf194Ea49770668cC365feF2a11Ac7dAbaf080
(New!) XMR: 4A3Sa8Xbz2RW5PYPX2s9pZPy7dmHHRaLUPCaFtsjQXNFPM8zSg6sJ7zT3XBSB5EX7bRJF3r1APxwN9Nhztn6SjXC3t4pxN4

You can also contact me via 7666@lain.la to say hello, suggest something, or get a status update.

You can send as little or as much as you want. I'll keep it all running either way - but projects will move faster with your help! 100% will go right into Lain.la. No avocado toast or Rolexes. Promise.